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Baby A has been with us for 4 months now! We love her so much and she has been such a joy to our family. When we found out we were expecting a 3rd baby we were shocked. We were done having kids, and had gotten rid of most of the things we had acquired for our other two children. So when I was collecting things for this baby I was very specific on what I wanted to bring back into our home. Obviously, the crib, pack n play, diapers and wipes were high on our list of useful items, but some other tried and true items really came in clutch, and a few new items that we had never used were so helpful, in navigating 3 kids. Here are the things we have been loving over the last 4 months. These are items that I think belong on every baby registry. The best items for a first time mom.
This play mat has been a favorite for all three of my kids. Developmentally the best place for you baby is on the floor. It’s where they are learning the most, and have free range of motion. It is also usually the safest place for them to be. So any time we are doing something or I can’t be holding her she is usually on this mat, and playing with the toys that dangle from above. She really loves it and I am actively trying to make this baby as content as possible. So when she is on the mat and happy I leave her alone (okay not always, she’s really cute and fun to play with!). But I do want to encourage her to play independently, even as a 4 month old. But every baby needs a playmat. Its a great resource!
A baby carrier is a necessity to all moms! Baby A is an incredibly cuddly baby. So she loves to be worn. I love a ring sling. They are the best carriers for those early days. I have carried all of my babies and used a variety of carriers, and I keep coming back to this ring sling and this soft structured carrier (SSC). I have yet to find something I can’t do in them. They are my favorite. Baby A is also the sibling to some crazy sisters, and they are very busy and feral. So sometimes she is safest in the carrier and I highly recommend this one for anyone.
This was a new one for me. A sleep sack! We have used these in the past but I have never had a baby who actually liked them. My other children were always trying to escape or getting stuck in them, and they were more hassle than helpful. But Baby A loves them! If you have a baby who seems to love blankets, being extra toasty, and outgrew the swaddle a little to early, these are a great option. We discovered that Baby A really liked a blanket, and then at night her feet were getting really cold in our air conditioned house, so we gave these a go! Our other kids were born in the winter months so the house was heated, and they were much older when we got to the summer months, so I feel like that has to have something to do with it.
A good breastfeeding pillow is a must. I have always loved a boppy pillow for its multiple uses, but this item threw me for a loop. It wasn’t on my radar until we had some issues with Baby A’s feeding. We were struggling, and she had some severe ties, and while seeing a lactation consultant she let me use one of these pillows. I was hooked. I needed all the help I could get to save our feeding journey. I hopped on our local yard sale page and snagged this pillow! I came home, cleaned it and I still love it. I don’t know how I made it through my other breastfeeding journey’s without it. I feel like we are finally starting to grow out of it, but it has really been a game changer. I am soooooo glad I bought it.
I am a firm believer that you don’t need a million things to have a baby and honestly having less is nice. These items are things I really really love. They have made life easier, and are items I would buy off anyone’s registry. Whether you are new mom or a seasoned one, these items are going to be a great addition to your registry.