I love the time after the holidays. I love the lull where you don’t know if it is Tuesday or Thursday. That time period is just super relaxing and peaceful. I find myself reviewing the year and I enjoy looking at what other people share as highlights from the past year. I also really enjoy setting goals for the new year.

I do think New Year resolutions are a little over done. People say things and set resolutions that aren’t attainable and then they quit a week in. But I still like to look at the year ahead and figure out some things that I want to improve on. My goals for 2025 are lofty, and lengthy, but I feel like I am moving into a whole chapter of life. I’m done having kids. My family is complete, and for some reason I feel like I’m staring at the beginning of a whole new life.
I don’t know why my brain has just spiraled with this chapter of my life closing, but I feel like I can finally do the things I have been putting off. Its not like my life has gotten any easier (I have three kids for crying out loud!) But now that our family is complete and I know that pregnancy is off the table for us, I have so many things I want to move forward with.
Sooooooo, I have been goal setting. When it comes to goal setting I think it’s important to look at a lot of different things. Goals can be for a variety of things, including: Family, friends, fitness, faith, finances…why do these all start with F! Here are some of the tips I used when setting my goals this year.

Recap the Year
What did you do this year? What made you happy, what frustrated you, what really ignited you. For me I was really fueled by some of the leadership roles I took on and the groups that I led. I really enjoyed being with people and getting some of that adult interaction that I lost in the covid years, and just with being a SAHM. So being able to get out and do something for myself with other adults was really great. I also love my garden. I love growing things, I love cooking with fresh ingredients, I love getting dirty and sweaty and being outside. So I am looking at these things and planning some of my goals in those areas so that I can really fan the flame on the things that make me happy.

Set attainable goals.
Losing 100lbs in a year is a great goal. You go girlfriend. People have done it, and now with medical advancements its becoming more and more common. But is that attainable for YOU? Do you have the time to go to the gym, do all the meal prep, and really commit to that strict lifestyle? If the answer is yes, I am cheering you on! But it isn’t for me. There is no way that I could work a strict diet right now. Wrangling 3 crazy kids, breastfeeding, and hopefully moving into an RV. It’s just not in my cards. Do I have aspirations to get healthier? You bet! But in a way that is going to set me up for success. I want to focus on my fiber and protein intake this year. I want to eat more vegetables, I want to meal prep more and build a foundation so that when I am done breastfeeding I can focus on the scale. But for now I am going to set myself up for success and worry about the things that I know I can attain.
Don’t make all your goals suck.
No sugar! Strict diet! No fun! No cake! No this, no that, ahhhhhh! That is so miserable. Do you know what one of my goals is for the new year? To go on more dates with my husband. To have more sex. To learn how to grow flowers. To spend more time outside than inside. To go on a trip! Those are things I love and are excited to see get accomplished. These goals don’t have to be restrictive. They can be fun. If everything on your list is restrictive I can already promise you, you will fail.

Write your goals down, and tell them to someone.
Write them down so you don’t forget and so you can look back on them. I will challenge you even more, to tell you to write them down, and also to write down why you want to accomplish that goal. That little reminder is so helpful when it comes to goal setting. Why do you want this? Why is this important? Then I want you to send it to someone you trust. I tell my husband what I want to accomplish. He knows his role is to encourage me and not to police me, but he is helpful. He reminds me what my goals are and helps to hold me accountable where he can. So send it to your trusted accountability buddy! (I just want you to know I’m listing mine out below, so you are now my accountability buddy)
Pick a word
If you have a lot of goals you want to accomplish or you just don’t feel like anything in specific is what you want to focus on, then focus on a word for the year. Someone told me their word for the year was happiness. They wanted to spend the whole year focusing on being happy. I love that. Sometimes our year can look really daunting when you have all these goals and a laundry list of things to get done. But if you look at all your decisions for the year and you think will this make me happy? It helps really guide your year in a better direction.

What are my Goals for 2025?
My word for 2025: Health
I think my word for 2025 is going to be health, because a lot of my goals come back to that in some form or fashion. I want to work on my self care. I want to work on my overall health, my skin health, my hair health. I want to work on the health of my family and our bank accounts. I want to work on the health of this blog and my brand. I want to work on the health of so many aspects of my life, and I feel like it will be a good word for me this year.
Some of my more specific goals are:
Physcial health: I want to focus on some aspects of physical health. I don’t want to focus on the scale, because with breastfeeding I have a lot of things working against me, but I do want to work on my overall health. I plan to meet with my doctor and have some labs drawn. I want to make sure everything is working properly and that I am in good working order, after having three kids. I also want to focus on getting 7,000steps a day, getting the recommended fiber, and protein for someone my age and size, and drinking plenty of water. I would also love to focus on my skin health and hair health. Super random, but I want to age gracefully, not like a train wreck.
Family Health: I want to focus on my time with my girls, and my husband. I want to go on more trips with them and love them a little better. I want to prioritize date nights, and time with my husband. I want to focus on some time management skills during the day so I can give my kids my all, but also still get some stuff done for me. My girls desperately need a morning routine, and we need to carve out space for some more homeschool stuff. I also really really want to limit my screen time and my kids screen time in the new year. I’m not sure what they looks like or if I will give it a number but I would like for it to be less, and will adjust as we go. I really want to be present with my family, because I love them and want to show them that more.
Financial Health: If I am being honest, since shutting down my Etsy shop things have been weird. We have been fine, but I’ve never not made money. So this has really been weird for me and just a strange things to have to process and navigate. So this year I really want to focus on how I can bring an income into my family. I want to look at some of the skills I have and see if I can monetize any of them. Even if my goal is to look at our budget closer and see where I can cut costs somewhere for the better. I have lots of ideas around this, but finding the time to really explore them is hard. Ultimately, I would love to be a better manager of our house and what comes in and out of our bank account.
Home Health: I really want to rebuild my wardrobe, and the girls wardrobe. I look like a female Adam Sandler most days, and I would love for that to change. My girls have so many clothes, it’s coming out of their ears, and I think we are in a season of less. I want to purge the things and get rid of all the excess. If it doesn’t spark joy it needs to go. I also really want to get better at laundry. My kids destroy everything and it would be nice if I could get the stains out of the clothes they wear. This is just a skill I would like to get better at this year. I would love to be the mom that can get every stain out. I would also love to be the reset the house every night mom, but that might be a next year goal!
Personal Health: I want to read more this year. I want my average screen time per day to be under 4 hours. I want to spend that extra time reading, or doing something productive. I want to spend more time outside, and I am so ready to get Baby A hiking and bike riding! I want to learn how to sew, and my goal is to complete a quilt by the end of the year! I want to replace some items that I buy, with items that I make myself (in food and other areas). I want to grow all the flowers and perfect some of the veggies I have been struggling to grow. Its the year of some granny hobbies and I love it!
That is my list of goals this year. You are now my accountability buddy! So I hope you are ready for this. I feel it in my bones, 2025 is going to be a good one!
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