Can I just say that you are what makes this whole thing possible? Wow! How crazy is this?! A whole website and blog. I never in a million years thought I would be here. Can I take this time to just poor out my heart? This whole setup was never truly on my radar. I loved running a small business and connecting with my customers. I loved working with moms to create nursery decor that they loved. But when I started posting silly reels on the internet, and sharing my life in my stories I never even remotely thought people would start talking back!
I simply shared things that were relevant to me. As a SAHM, my kids are my everything, and my family unit is so important to me. I was falling in love with this new life. How lucky am I to get to spend all my time with my nuclear family, and be there for a firsthand account of everything? While I am experiencing everything I started to share the things that were working for my kids and my family. I started to share the things that I loved, or found funny, or the things that weren’t serving me; and you guys talked back!
I shared things and people thought they were interesting, and they shared them too. My friend count started to grow and I am to the point now, that I want to be able to share more things. I’m an oversharer; and sometimes Instagram just isn’t enough. I wanted to fully explain things, and give them a lasting place for you to find them again. Social media isn’t really the best place for all the information we need. Sometimes things need more than a limited character count, and I wanted these things to be kept somewhere where it would be easily accessible.
So here we are, and here is my promise to you. I promise to always share with a genuine heart. I am so protective of my friends, and I have no desire to make you think differently of me. I’m out here trying to afford to buy my kids a pizza, not a Gucci purse! So I have no expectations of this bank rolling my life. I want to enjoy sharing with you, while keeping an ongoing journal of my motherhood journey. So I hope you will cozy on up in this corner of the internet, and stay a while. I hope you feel like you are with a friend, laughing and sharing life. I’ll be the one chasing her feral children around, while the tea gets cold.
I’m glad you are here.